Levin Lank & William Jefferis Lank Family Trees
A Family Genealogy

For Security Reasons, I have been asked to remove the events of living persons (like birthdates). For family members who wish a complete listing and all the family movies, including the 2 on this site, there is a DVD of this site available for $10 including shipping. Contact me, Jefferis Kent Peterson either through my website at the bottom, or by email.
This site is dedicated to genealogies and family histories of the Levin Lank Clan. Our focus is only through one of his sons: Levin Lank, Jr. For the wider clan, see Our Sussex Roots. Our Family Tree is spread far and wide. We welcome updates and corrections to this information. From Our Sussex Roots:
Levin Lank was born in 1735 east of Mill Creek, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE, died before Nov 17, 1784, and was buried in Milton, Broadkill Hundred, Sussex CO, DE.
General Notes: The exact date of decease is unknown, although most probable in 1784. Naomi and lawyer Robt. Jones signed the 1000-pound Administrative Bond on the Estate of Levin Lank on 11-24-1784. The estate audit was completed a year later on 12-7-1785. There may or may not have been a will. No record of a will in Dover.
The direct Lank line (Levin-Thomas-Levin-Robert) of this report is supported by this Lank line's family Bible. Additional genealogy reports have provided fuller details of members. It has been family hearsay that Levin was the son of one of three brothers who came to America from England. One report (www.esva.net/ghotes/lank/i0000027.htm#i27) reveals that Levin was one of 3 brothers (John, b. 1740 in VA, and James, b. 1745 in CT), although the other 2 had a different mother (unknown). It was Thomas who was the son of one of the 3 brothers (Levin). Other records indicate 1740 as Levin's birth, although this Lank Bible states 1735. Another report indicates original Lank was a sailor, b. around 1705 in Lincolnshire, England and died in Phila. His wife and Levin's mother was Miss Mitchell, b. 1722 in Milton. FamilySearch.org indicates George Lanke (b. 1705) and Mary (b. 1704) as parents of Levin, John and James.
Research Notes: There were other Lanks in the area, specifically in MD, at this time. The spelling is problematical: Lan[e]cake, Lan[e]quake, Lanke.
The Family Line of Levin Lank with a focus on his line through his son Levin, Jr., his son Mitchell,
to his son William Jefferis Lank's Descendants