John William Blocher


John William Blocher Roberta A. Buckley William Joseph Buckley Helen Matilda Davis George Davis Anna Elizabeth Blocher


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth

Partners & Children

Partners Date of Birth Children
 Roberta A. Buckley 21 Mar 1888  Anna Elizabeth Blocher "Anne" Davis


Event Type Date Place Country Description
Birth 5 Sep 1907 Wash. DC
Death 5 Sep 1907 Washington,DC




Died Sept of 1907 at age 22. He was born in Washington, DC and worked for the Pullman Company and was injured on the job. He had a pinched nerve in his neck and spine and the paralysis hit his heart. There was nothing they could do. He died at the Garfield Hospital in Wash DC. At the time of his marriage, he lived on the East Side of Wilmington, DE, and was German Lutheran. John Wm. was disowned or shunned by his parents for marrying Roberta. The reason is not known, whether it was class or religion, but Roberta's family was Methodist and that is suspected. Even after he died, John's parents had nothing to do with their granddaughter.

A witness to their wedding was his aunt Aunt Willemena Steineken, Fred & "Millie" Stieneken were uncle and aunt, Millie being his mother's sister. The undertaker was Harry Van Bosse and he was buried in Riverview Cemetary.

At the time of his death, his sisters Anna Hoff and Elizabeth lived in DC.



NameDegree of KinshipDate of BirthPlace of BirthDate of DeathPlace of Death
Roberta A. BuckleyWife21 Mar 18881908Wilmington, DE
Anna Elizabeth Blocher "Anne" DavisDaughter16 Oct 1907Wilmington,DE.8 Jun 2002Gaithersburg, MD
Jean Davis LankGranddaughter
Great grandchildren
Linda Teresa PetersonGreat granddaughter
Mark Albrecht PetersonGreat grandson
Julie Lea PetersonGreat granddaughter
Jefferis Kent PetersonGreat grandson
Second grandchildren
Luke PetersonSecond grandson
Abby Mackenzie PetersonSecond granddaughter
Kyle Albrecht PetersonSecond grandson
Matthew Bailey PetersonSecond grandson
Lindsey Lea McConnellSecond granddaughter
Patrick Thomas McConnellSecond grandson
Jefferis Kent (II) PetersonSecond grandson
Kristen Jean McConnellSecond granddaughter
Mark Peter McConnellSecond grandson
Sarah Jean PetersonSecond granddaughter
Jonathan Michael PetersonSecond grandson
Payton SneadSecond granddaughter
Helen Matilda DavisMother-in-law
William Joseph BuckleyFather-in-law
Sons- & Daugthers-in-law
William Jefferis "Jeff" Lank (II) Son-in-law2 Nov 1903DE16 Nov 1952DC.
Georege JonesSon-in-law
Brothers- & Sisters-in-law
Irvin BuckleyBrother-in-law
Kent Albrecht PetersonGrandson-in-law